Sync v/s Async

Any communication technology is based in two different but not exclusive concepts Synchronical and Asynchronous data transference.

Asynchronous communication is data transmitted intermittently rather than in a steady stream, being this the main difference with synchronical communication there is a profound impact on how our brains interact with both instances.

β€œAn object/concept, that is present in cortex, has different representations in different parts of cortex. Different features of an object/concept are present as patterns in different cortical areas.”— Bertil Osterberg, The Information Processing Mechanism of the Brain ( PDF 1.3Mb )

The main difference between recognition and recall is the amount of cues that can help the memory retrieval; recall involves fewer cues than recognition. (1)

Asynchronous communication, use well know contexts in which data is transacted, providing not only cues but a whole memory framework to be quickly accessed, decreasing the amount of information needed to achieve a successful interaction, but increasing the amount of time needed to locate and provide the access to the right context inside the brain.

Synchronical communication, create new contexts, in which data needs to be evaluated, organized and stored.

Every single time we experience synchronic communicational acts we create new or use an old, asynchronous, statement in which the interaction will be stored. We call this experience.

Being language the most complex technology developed by humans. Based on the ability ( or limitation ) of our brains to only store and process patterns, asynchronous communication allowed us to process, understand and connect more and more complex concepts.